Data Deletion

Cyber security centres
WhiteCanyon Software, Inc
WhiteCanyon Software, Inc. is a leading provider of security software employing permanent deletion technology to prevent identity theft. The company is engaged in the development, sales and support of hard disk utilities that leverage deletion and security related technologies.
WhiteCanyon's proven hard drive sanitizing software solution, WipeDrive and individual file scanning and deletion utility, SecureClean, have increasingly become important additions to the software suites of individual users and corporations alike.
In the consumer market, WhiteCanyon's products can be found in leading retailers Best Buy, CompUSA, Fry's, Amazon.com, and MicroCenter. Additionally, WhiteCanyon has implemented a site licensing program targeted at businesses, corporations, and government suppliers and entities with sizable implementation needs.

WhiteCanyon's flagship product, WipeDrive, completely erases all hard drive information, including your operating system (you can save your OS with SystemSaver). WipeDrive is so effective that the United States military, NASA, and IBM trust it, and is the only NIAP certified permanent data deletion software.

One of only five tools approved by the United States Department of Defense to provide a full hard drive wipe. WipeDrive Small Business is also used by NASA, IBM, and over 120 financial institutions, military branches, governments, large corporations, and more.

WipeDrive allows corporations and government entities to permanently and securely erase data from hard drives, removable media, and mobile devices, providing a cost-effective, secure, and socially responsible way of recycling and retiring computer storage. WipeDrive is the world leader in secure data destruction.

The world's only disk eraser that will save your Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 operating system and programs like Microsoft Office while still cleaning your hard drive of unnecessary and harmful files. You get all of the benefits of WipeDrive, plus you retain your operating system.